What to do first
First download the form that is applicable:
Next please print the form and complete as thoroughly as you can, scan and send it via e-mail as an attachment (.pdf file) to the following email address: info@ElenaKochinRD.com
Additionally, please send any recent lab tests results you might have (blood, urine, saliva, stool etc.). Once we receive all this information, we will call you to schedule an appointment.
During the appointment
The initial consultation is 90 min. We will review all the information you sent before the appointment, then during the visit we acquire more information by asking more detailed questions, conducted a physical examination and based on everything we had learned at that time, create an initial draft of the treatment protocol.
The draft would be modified and altered after additional blood testing or/and functional laboratory testing will be completed if applicable.
For parents of pediatric patients:
If you think it might be too destructing for you to meet with a clinician and supervise your child at the same time, please make sure to bring with you some toys or games to entertain your child. It is essential for a clinician to meet your child at least for the first time. If you are planning to make the appointment via Skype or Facetime, please provide the clinician with pictures of your child’s face, tongue, nails (fingernails and toenails), any rashes the child might have. Also if possible take photos of your child’s typical stool if it is in the potty or the diaper (at least 2-3 photos). We also would like to see any video of how your child interacts with you, family member or a professional.
What is next
The follow-up consultation is 60 min and typically scheduled in 3-4 weeks (some tests might take that long). As new details might surface, current treatment plan could require some additional adjustments.
When you started a treatment protocol, it is essential to keep track of any changes (good, bad, or neutral). By doing this, you will help the clinician to assess if treatment is working or not.